Reasons for government agencies to embrace SharePoint
SharePoint is used in various organizations for different business needs, they are also used in government sectors to leverage SharePoint features.
1.User-friendly SharePoint portals
SharePoint Features has an attractive and easy to use portals that national government around the world can make use of it. The cities which has most appealing government portals made with SharePoint Services are Bellingham, Washington, and all places
2.Data processing are automated
Managing data in a government agencies plays an extraordinary amount of work, because they deal with license plate numbers, housing lists, waste collection and many more. SharePoint Portals has an optical recognition software, when the images are uploaded to document libraries they are scanned and they recognizes geolocation data and include meta-tags to the content to help more efficient search.
3.SharePoint Cost-Management
Budget plays a major role while choosing the options for the business. Government agencies always choose Office 365 planning suite along with SharePoint Online because it provides lower prices. If they decide not to spend on an extensive set of services, they can invest in SharePoint alone. It depends on the needs of the organization who has to know to spend better in technology, economical, scalable.
4.Improved built-in security in SharePoint
Government agencies concentrate more on Security system, along with malware scanning for materials uploaded to document libraries.
SharePoint workflow has Security perks like permitting network access to a specific IP addresses and grant them sharing ability to people inside and outside government organization.
SharePoint has an exclusive feature called Virtual Identity Server (VIS) which simplify identity management by allowing one time configurations to security settings and permissions that can be updated automatically as the data goes through the system.
5.Third-party integration in SharePoint
SharePoint is an integration-friendly technology that gives the option for merging with a GRP (Government Resource Planning) system. Additionally some of the SharePoint features of document management, workflows, intranets, enterprise search and GRP functionality like inventory management, a transparent budget cycle etc.,. SharePoint Group integration enables you to create a flexible, collaboration-driven and effective digital environment for government organizations.
Also check previous post: How to Use SharePoint for Enterprise Document Management on a Large Scale