Intranet Play an exceptional role in any organization. Pulls all the corporate content and resources and connect users regardless of their location, position or activities. Intranet can be performed in variety of platforms such as Confluence, IBM Connections, OpenText, Liferay, Drupal and Microsoft SharePoint and it has various options for implementation. SharePoint has seven on-premises versions and it exists as a standalone cloud SharePoint application (SharePoint Online), which is simultaneously to a building block of the Office 365 suite.
Start your SharePoint For Intranet Sites
In the beginning, substantial investment in Client Access Licenses (CALs). Enterprise Organization must start SharePoint modern intranets. Currently from the out-of-the-box SharePoint to a completely functional solution is very quick, especially if the company choose cloud solution built on SharePoint online. They are also mobile-friendly by default and requires less investment into intranet customization with updated options out-of-the-box. They also have ready-made custom SharePoint designs for intranets.
Modern Intranet Solutions for Organization
SharePoint grants you to create various solutions using the same platform for example starting with an intranet application to full-fledged document management, Project management, quality management. SharePoint Creates Customized cloud based intranet.
Web Content Management
SharePoint permits its customers to handle a several content types within their intranet and format of the content is very important. The content formats has increased to 277 in the year 2017. SharePoint supports 3D files (3MF, FBX, OBJ, PLY and STL) for engineers and DICOM files (DCM, DCM30, DIC, DICM, DICOM) for medical field.
Collaboration with different SharePoint features
There are various SharePoint features for different specialist to work in a single platform.
- HR managers addressing on-boarding challenges.
- Sales representatives can manage proposals and communicate with customers.
- Marketing specialists can communicate success stories quickly across a large audience in just a click.
- Accountants can arrange a long-term archive of their documents.
- Project managers can successfully address the entire project cycle using a different PM and collaboration tools.
Apart from that, organizations can handle both formal and informal collaboration into their SharePoint online for intranet.
SharePoint Intranet Customization
SharePoint is a good platform to develop a unique intranet application design because it gives customization flexibility. Using Microsoft, SharePoint planning and customization can be implemented easier. This the reason for an organization having access to modern list and libraries, site pages and team sites that includes editing features. This feature has been introduced in SharePoint Online.
Office 365 features
An organization having different departments and various tasks, then it is wise to choose Office 365 suite to build in cloud intranet. Organization will have a multiple productivity tools, including Planner, Microsoft teams, Yammer, Office 365 Groups. Office 365 subscription is very expensive when compared to SharePoint Online, but the features fulfill the business needs.
Also check previous post: Advantages and Disadvantages of a SharePoint Intranet